
Monday, April 23, 2012

AHEPA Helps Hellenic Caucus Continue to Grow

WASHINGTON - The leading membership-based association for the nation's three million American citizens of Greek heritage, and countless Philhellenes, the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), welcomed news that U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT) has joined the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, announced Supreme President Dr. John Grossomanides.
"We thank Congressman Courtney for joining the Hellenic Caucus," said Dr. Grossomanides, who met with the congressman's staff during AHEPA's annual Capitol Hill Day held March 28, 2012. "We look forward to working with him and his staff on issues of importance to the community, including the strengthening of U.S.-Greece relations."
Congressmen Courtney, Hank Johnson (D-GA), and Richard Neal (D-MA) are the latest U.S. representatives to join the Hellenic Caucus as a result of AHEPA's grassroots outreach.
"Our grassroots network is becoming more active and the legislators are responding," Dr. Grossomanides said. "We must build upon this effort and keep the momentum going."
He continued, "We applaud the proactive outreach of AHEPA family members from all parts of the country either in their home districts or those who came to Washington in March. All of these efforts have helped the caucus to grow."
Dr. Grossomanides proudly noted that the entire congressional delegations of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island are members of the Hellenic Caucus. The caucus now has 146 members.

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